“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.”
Robert Capa
Water drop image - frozen in time with high speed sync flash. A matt black & white edit with an earth tint. Edited in ON1. This I like as a fine art image.
The chaos and beauty of water droplets frozen in time. ON1 Edit.
Water droplet collisions creating the classic 'crown' effect...frozen in time with Godox V1 flash units and my trusty Fuji X-T4 with my f2.8 80mm Fujinon macro lens. ON1 Lo-Fi edit. A different take on the water drop image.
A high key water drop image - two drops unite in midair, one on its way up, the other down...frozen together for a millisecond. ON1 Lo-Fi edit with a just a hint of an earth tint. As a footnote I shot 1 ,860 images to get c. 20 useable pictures! That's just slightly better than a 1 in a 100 hit rate!
A water droplet sitting on a dandelion acting as a lens refracting the background scene - the EU flag.
A water droplet sitting on a dandelion acting as a lens refracting the background scene.
Ice crystals on a wire fence in rural Monaghan captured in early December 2022. Shot on a Fuji X-T5 and Fujinon 80mm f2.8 macro lens at f4 - ISO 125 -1/240s. Edited in NIK Silver Efex.
Sweet Briar 'Rose Hip' (Rosa rubiginosa) with hoar frost. Shot early December 2022 with a Fuji X-T5 and Fujinon 80mm f.2.8 macro lens at f5.6 - ISO 200 - 1/250s. Edited in Capture One.
Over 50 images staked in HeliconFocus to capture the ice crystals. Shot with a Fuji X-T5 and Fujinon 80mm f2.8 macro lens at f5.6 - ISO 125 - 1/220s. Edited in Capture One.
High key image of a budding bush shot in December 2022 in the early morning frost. Captured on a Fuji X-T5 with a Fujinon 80mm f2.8 macro lens at ISO 125 - f5.6 - 1/180s. Edited in Capture One.